Opportunities for Writers
Dreams for Beltane: celebrating the First of May
Thursday 1 May 2025, Zoom, 7.00pm - 8.00pm; £3/£2
Whether you celebrate ancient pagan ritual, International Labour Day or any of the other anniversaries that 1 May marks, submit your poetry, flash fiction or creative non-fiction for our online event, Dreams for Beltane. Entries close on 12 April 2025.
Workshop: Finding Your Voice - Michael Stewart
Friday 11 April 2025, Central MK Library, MK9 3HL, 10.00am - 12noon; £20/£15 (places limited)
We often talk about a writer’s voice, but what does it mean? This workshop with author Michael Stewart explores the relationship between voice and style, how your voice can be developed, and its importance in shaping how your work is received.
Workshop: What Editing Is - Aki Schilz
Friday 11 April 2025, Central MK Library, MK9 3HL, 12.30pm - 2.30pm; £20/£15 (places limited)
Discover how a professional editor thinks when they review a manuscript, and how to apply this approach to your own work. Learn what editing is, what publishers are looking for, how to finish your book, and your best next steps as a writer.
Workshop: Spinning Tales from Myth and Folklore - Zoe Gilbert
Friday 11 April 2025, Central MK Library, MK9 3HL, 3.00pm - 5.00pm; £20/£15 (places limited)
This workshop explores using myth and folklore as starting points for fiction, looking at approaches to creating modern myths and informing folklore-inspired tales. It includes tools, readings and exercises to shape traditional sources into brand-new stories while retaining their inherent resonance and power.
You and Me: local writers mark International Day of Friendship
Wenesday 30 July 2025, Zoom, 7.00pm - 8.00pm; £3/£2 (selected writers enter free)
Friendship is one of the foundations of human experience. Young or old, male or female, single or married, straight or otherwise, our friends are a source of joy, comfort, support - and sometimes otherwise! Submit your poem, flash fiction or creative non-fiction for our online event, You and Me. Entries close on 30 June 2025.

MK Indie Book Fair 2025
Date and location tbc
Following the success of the first MK Indie Book Fair in December 2024, we're intending to run the event again in 2025 (date and venue tbc). If you would like to be informed when further details are available and registration of interest is open, please complete the short online form