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MinK2025: 'Home'
Flash Fiction, Creative Non-fiction and Poetry Competition and Anthology
Entries are now closed

Blue Marble Western Hemisphere.

For our 2025 annual Creative Writing Competition, MK Lit Fest adopted the theme of Home. 

Home can be a literal thing - a personal address, the renting or ownership of which makes it more than just a place to live. It might be a castle, a terraced house, or a tent in the woods. Home can be something you make or remake, and equally something that you leave or lose (whether willingly or otherwise). A 'home' can be somewhere you are put, for a variety of reasons, or a place where you were raised: homes can be literal as well as metaphorical institutions. It can be about family and heritage, or - whether by accident or design - something more individual.

Home can be a source of comfort, pride and love, or it can be a source of suffering, conflict and pain. Home can mean somewhere you feel a sense of belonging, or it can be where you are aware that you don't. It can be a single dwelling, a town, a region, a country, a continent... For some, indeed, it can be a proverbial as well as a literal four-letter word. It can be as simple - or as complicated - as a feeling. 

Eligible applicants were invited to write a piece of flash fiction writing of up to 500 words in any genre they chose: sci-fi, thriller, romance, journalism, social record, historical fiction… all style were welcome. Or they could send us up to 500 words of creative non-fiction: a story of homecoming or migration, perhaps, or of home-making or -breaking. Or poems of up to 40 lines inspired by the theme.

There will be cash prizes of £25 for the best entries in each of two age categories: 14-19 and 20+. In addition, shortlisted entries across all the categories will be published in an anthology that will be available in paperback and e-reader formats. Writers of selected pieces may also be invited to read their work at future Lit Fest events, either in person or online. 

(c) NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Reto Stöckli

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