Never Mind the Baubles
flash fiction for the festive season!
Wednesday 18 December, Zoom, 7.30pm
Tickets: £3/£2*
(Writers selected to read admitted free)
The end of the year has traditionally seen people - whatever their faith or lack of it - gather to share food, each other's company, and stories. Some celebrate Christmas, others Hannukah, Rohatsu, Kwanzaa or the winter solstice: most celebrate each other.
So we invited local writers to submit a story about the season to share with us all. Beyond being topical (and broadcastable, of course), there were no rules: tinsel and tears were equally valid, and gifts might turn out to be welcome or unwelcome, physical or metaphorical. Stories might sparkle with joy and compassion, but then again a little darkness is hardly unexpected so close to the longest night. The Spirit of the Season might be found in dreams, on the drinks trolley, or loitering outside the garden gate in harem pants and an exotic hat.
They did not disappoint. We closed another year of Lit Fest with 13 pieces of truly original writing from the finest local writers:
GD Carrion: Santa's Flaws
Rosie Douglas: The Colours of Winter
Jen Charlton: Twas 65 Million Years Before Christmas
AJ Herbert: Robin
Liz O’Shea: Never Mind the Baubles
Ralph Keats: Let There Be Light
Michael Geaney: Unsilent Night
Ellie Walsh: Cinnamon Buns
Alex Mormoris: Mistletoe
Helena Ray: The Longest Night
Isobel Richards: Never Mind the Baubles
Ken Rickard: I Love Christmas
Mary Scott: Johnny and Norah's Christmas
MinK2025 Creative Writing Competition
Don't forget you can also enter our 2025 Creative Writing Competition. It's open to anyone aged 14 or older and living, working or studying in Buckinghamshire (including Milton Keynes), Bedfordshire or Northamptonshire, who can submit flash fiction piece, creative non-fiction and/or poems. There will be cash prizes for winning entries, which - along with highly commended submissions - will appear in our next MinK anthology, to be launched at our Spring Festival in April 2025. Entries will close in January 2025.