Autumn 2021 Events

Scoff: A History of Food and Class in Britain: Pen Vogler [Heritage Open Days with StonyWords]
Saturday 11 September, York House, Stony Stratford, 3pm: £Pay What You Can (donations to MK Food Bank)
Milk in first or milk in last? And do you have tea, dinner or supper in the evening? In this fascinating social history of food in Britain, Pen Vogler examines the origins of our eating habits and reveals how they are loaded with centuries of class prejudice. Local produce from Indian Orchard and the Chocolate Mill MK will also be available.

MK Lit Fest presents MK Writers at Great Linford Manor Park Celebration Event
Saturday 18 September, 2.30pm: £Free (booking required)
To help celebrate the end of the National Lottery Heritage Funded restoration works at Great Linford Manor Park, MK Lit Fest will present a selection of local writers to share their work. Readers will include a number of the authors selected for our MinK #1 and MinK #2 anthologies.

Stitches and Stories - Heather Richardson [Event in partnership with Westbury Arts Centre]
Tuesday 21 September, 7.30pm: £Pay What You Can
Join writer and textile practitioner Heather Richardson to learn about how she combines stitch and storytelling in her creative practice. Working mainly with Irish linen and drawing on her practice as a writer, her projects explore family, memory and community history as she embellishes garments with words and images in order to tell her stories in three dimensions.

Sam Lee - The Nightingale: Notes on a Songbird
Thursday 7 October, 8.30pm: £Pay What You Can
A highly inventive and original singer, folk song interpreter, song collector and successful creator of live events, Sam Lee is also a passionate conservationist. Join us as he talks about his new book that reveals in beautiful detail the habitat, characteristics and sweet song of the nightingale that has inspired musicians, writers and artists around the world.

Ian Dunt - In Conversation: How To Be a Liberal
Thursday 14 October, 7pm: £20
Prospect magazine called journalist and political commentator's new book, How To Be A Liberal (Canbury) - which traces the growth of individual freedoms in western society, and the threat posed to by the new surge of nationalism "required reading for anyone interested in politics and philosophy." Join us to put your own questions to Ian.

Charlie Hill - Writing Workshop: Putting Poetry into your Prose
Thursday 21 October, 7pm: £20 [NB: only 15 places will be available)
Your sentences are the building blocks – the DNA – of your prose. In this two-hour online workshop, Charlie Hill will teach you in a practical way how to write better sentences and make your writing sing, whilst avoiding cliché.

Exiles on Main Street: Two Emerging Writers - Jonathan Pizarro & Golnoosh Nour
Friday 29 October, 7pm: £PayWhatYouCan
Exiles on Main Street presents two emerging writers - Gibraltarian Jonathan Pizarro and Iranian Golnoosh Nour - both writing in a London that is neither their home town nor capital of their home territory. Both explore cultural conflict and misunderstanding, not least as both writers also speak with LGBT voices.
Poetry Workshop: Queer Natures with Sean Hewitt
Wednesday 3 November, 7pm: £20 (30 places only)
Gerard Manley Hopkins's sonnet 'Pied Beauty' praises 'All things counter, original, spare, strange'. In this workshop, led by award-winning Irish poet Seán Hewitt, we will explore nature’s infinite variety and flamboyance. We will look at how poets have sought out its queerness, eroticism and plurality, and write poems that seek out the queerness of the natural world.

Nature Writing Workshop with Emma Decent
Thursday 11 November, 7pm: £20 (15 places only)
In this workshop Emma takes you on an immersive experience of nature using poetry, film and the imagination to inspire new words. Using accessible, inspiring writing exercises to get the pen flowing, you will build - or re-build - a vivid connection with nature through the senses and your own memories and associations with landscape.

Prof Cath Green OBE: Vaxxers - The Inside Story of the Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine
Thursday 18 November, 7pm: £PayWhatYouCan
Professor Catherine Green OBE is Associate Professor in Chromosome Dynamics at the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics, and an integral part of the Oxford Vaccine project, working closely with Sarah Gilbert to make her vaccine design a reality. For this event, she will be in conversation with Oliver Mytton, Deputy Director of Public Health for Milton Keynes.

Sarah Pinborough - The Art of the Twists: Behind Her Eyes and Dead To Her
Thursday 2 December, 7pm: £P, Facebook Live. £Free (donations optional but welcome)
New York Times/Sunday Times bestselling author, and famed Stony Stratford resident Sarah Pinborough will be talking to Caz Tricks about her addictive and spiralling psychological thriller, Behind Her Eyes, its famous ending and smash hit Netflix six-part dramatization, and about her latest novel, Dead To Her, which is now in development with Amazon Studios.